Walking Trails in Perth

Walking Trails in Perth

Today I was asked to chat to Gillian O’Shaughnessy on ABC 720 radio about walk trails in Perth. Click on the logo for the recording. It is the first 15 minutes.


As we do walk our talk, we had done the Beenyup Swamp Circuit just this morning.

My favourite walk in Perth region is Eagle View Walk in John Forest National Park it is a challenging 15km loop.

Star Swamp has had Quendas introduced and they are often seen, even in the daylight.

Lake Gwelup Reserve has Rainbow Bee Eaters in the warmer months.

The Yange Kep Bidi trail weaves its way from Freshwater Bay to Lake Claremont, Perry Lakes, Herdsman Lake, finishing the 21kms at Lake Monger. The chrome trail markers are embedded in the footpath.