De-stress with Mindfulness Photography
Feeling stressed up to the eye balls isn’t limited to nine to five or the office. We can be stressing out anywhere anytime so, wouldn’t it be great to able to de-stress anywhere any time.
With my practice of mindfulness photography, you can do just that. Just the other the other day, I was under the pump, feeling a little overwhelmed and not thinking clearly. I grabbed my camera and stepped outside.

Take time to smell the roses in Perth
I walked along the Swan River absorbing all it beauty. I felt immense gratitude for living in Perth where such a stunning waterway is literally on our doorstep. I took a couple photos and any stress that I was holding onto was forgotten. About half an hour later, I was feeling reinvigorated and my foggy brain cleared.
At work, stressing in the office? Why not take a short break, step outside and go for a walk. Find an open green space or if you work in Perth, the Swan River. Really awaken your senses, get into the moment and absorb beauty around you. If you feel like it, be a bit creative and take a few photos with your smart phone in flight mode.
Almost guaranteed, you will get back to the office having gained clarity and feeling less stressed. The smart phone is the camera you have with you always. It’s so easy to practice mindfulness photography anywhere, anytime.