Bologna Project: Why?

Bologna Project: Why?

What is our Bologna Project?

Is it just me or am I the only one that thinks about why we enjoy travel so much? It’s like I am a different person when we are away: more confident, curious and interested. On our last overseas trip, we would have long conversations about which parts of travel are so exciting for us. We decided there seems to be certain feelings that are enhanced when we are travelling:
Anticipation of going to the airport and getting on a plane.
Excitement of arriving in a new location.
Curiosity of wandering down a new side street.
Discovery of a vegetable market on a back street.
• The Awe of a spectacular view over an ancient city or mountains
Enhancing the senses with a coffee and pastry at a classic cafe

When travel is your passion, it seems a pity that you only get to feel those emotions when on holiday and that might be only four weeks a year for some. Once discovering the emotions travel triggers in us, we began thinking how we could create those feelings at home. So often we don’t think of our own home town as unique or exotic but people travelling here do feel those things. So how could we create a lifestyle here in our home town, so we feel that excitement like we do when travelling.

What if we recreated those activities we love so much when travelling at home?

What if for a year we lived that way, doing travelling activities at home?

Because Bologna was one of recent travel destinations we loved (in 2023), we called this experiment the Bologna Project.

Firstly, we need to list the things we do when travelling and then recreate them at home. That is in the next blog